Social workers are unsung heroes that give of themselves to help others. They deserve the same rights and protections other employees enjoy, but those rights aren’t always respected.
If you are concerned about your rights as a social worker in California, the following information can provide some clarity.
Overtime and wage laws
Under state labor law, employees generally are required to receive overtime pay for hours worked beyond the 8-hour workday or 40-hour workweek. The rate is 1.5 times the regular rate for overtime hours Double time may apply for any hours worked beyond twelve in a day.
Meal and rest breaks
Like other employees, social workers are entitled to proper meal and rest breaks. A 30-minute meal break is required for shifts over five hours, with a 10-minute rest break for every four hours worked.
Anti-discrimination protections
California law prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability and other protected characteristics. Like others, social workers deserve an environment free from discrimination, and employers must take steps to address any such issues.
Protection from retaliation
In most cases, social workers can report workplace violations without fear of retaliation. This includes filing complaints about unsafe working conditions, wage theft or discrimination without facing adverse consequences.
Family and medical leave
Like other employees, most social workers are eligible for family and medical leave under California’s Family Rights Act (CFRA). It provides time off when a serious health condition impacts you or your family.
Now that you know your rights and understand your legal protections, you are better poised to take action amid violations. Having experienced legal guidance can help you determine your rights in your specific circumstances.