California Employment Discrimination Lawyers
There are numerous laws in place to protect employees of all kinds from unlawful discrimination. San Diego Employment Attorneys Group represents private sector employees, as well as government employees, including federal employees, who have been discriminated against in the workplace. If you believe you have been disciplined, terminated or treated unfairly for an illegal reason, including the following protected areas, contact the firm for experienced advice and counsel:
- Age (40 or over)
- Sex
- Physical or mental disability
- Race/color
- National origin
- Ancestry
- Religion
- Sexual orientation
- Medical condition
- Use of lawful leave rights
- Military or veteran status
Discrimination in any area of employment, including hiring, firing, compensation, performance reviews, promotion/demotion or medical leave, calls for experienced legal representation. With multiple attorneys and ample support staff the firm has the resources available to assist you.
Since its founding in 1992, the firm has represented well over 5,000 clients, nearly all of whom have had employment law cases.
Federal Employment Discrimination: Attorneys In San Diego
There are unique procedures for discrimination (or harassment) claims involving federal government employees. The lawyers at San Diego Employment Attorneys Group have extensive experience representing federal employees in a broad range of employment law claims, including discrimination complaints. Due to their experience, the attorneys have in-depth familiarity with the vast majority of employment discrimination laws, regulations and procedures pertaining to federal employees.
Call For A Free Consultation
If you would like speak with a California employment discrimination attorney at no charge, you may contact our offices at 619-528-2530 to set up an appointment. San Diego Employment Attorneys Group has offices in San Diego’s Mission Valley and in Carlsbad, California.