Highly Experienced Employment Law Attorneys
Practice Areas
Private Sector
Wage &
Hour Claims
Education Law
For Students
A San Diego Firm Handling Employment Litigation Statewide
Whether a client fears a potential job loss, has been wrongfully terminated, suffered discrimination, or needs a trial attorney in an employment matter, among virtually any other workplace issue, he or she can turn to the attorneys of San Diego Employment Attorneys Group. The firm serves clients throughout California, including San Diego, Imperial County, Riverside County, and Orange County, and offers a free initial consultation to prospective clients.
The attorneys at San Diego Employment Attorneys Group have professional affiliations with the Labor and Employment Law sections of the California State Bar Association and the San Diego County Bar Association; the California Employment Lawyers Association; the National Employment Lawyers Association; and the Consumer (Trial) Attorneys of San Diego.
In addition, attorneys at the firm are admitted to practice before all of the California State Courts, all of the United States District Courts of California, the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court.

Education Law Representing Students
Since 1992, the firm has also represented many students in disputes with educational institutions such as student expulsion, grade disputes, special education, and other matters. The firm has advocated for students with excellent results before many local school districts, UCSD, SDSU, Community Colleges, and private educational institutions.
Call For A Free Initial Consultation
If you would like to discuss your matter with a highly experienced California employment law lawyer at no charge, you may telephone our offices at either 619-528-2530 to set up an appointment.
Although the preferred way to contact us is to phone us, you may also reach us by sending an email.