Your employer didn’t directly ask you about your religion when you took your job, but you could tell that they certainly had a type. You felt like everyone who had been hired all belonged to the same religion, and that held true even if they didn’t overtly tell you that that was a goal.
At the time, since you were also part of that religion, you didn’t worry about it too much. You know that it’s illegal to discriminate against potential employees based on their religion, But it didn’t impact you, and you eventually forgot about it.
The issues became much more clear, however, when you switched to a new religion. You were very open about the change with your co-workers, and it wasn’t long before your employer knew.
A shift in your treatment on the job could signal discrimination
That’s when the discrimination began. Maybe they started cutting back on your hours, reducing what you were paid for your time or treating you differently in other ways. Maybe it just felt like a hostile workplace, where your employer looked at you differently because of this religion. Maybe you’d been in line for a promotion that you knew you were going to get, but it suddenly went to someone else who was less qualified as soon as your new religion became known.
If you have experienced things like this, please note that they are still illegal. Employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their religion, either while hiring them or when they’re already on the job. If you are facing discrimination, then you need to know exactly what steps to take to protect your future.