Employees across California have a right to work in an environment that is free from discrimination. Not only is this best practice for employment purposes, but it is also enshrined in law.
Discrimination in the workplace can often involve blatant racism, ageism, ableism as well as other forms of prejudice. Being subjected to such behavior can have a devastating impact on employees, so it is imperative that employers take prompt remedial action. However, there are instances where discrimination is not so obvious. Subtle discrimination is also extremely damaging and must be challenged whenever it arises. Outlined below are some of the more common examples of subtle discrimination.
Have you been passed over for that dream promotion?
Your track record may be impeccable and you may have spent years obtaining qualifications that aid your career progression. Nonetheless, employees with lesser skills could be climbing the company ladder at a faster rate than you. As an older worker, you might notice younger employees surpassing you all the time. If you are from a certain background, you may notice that employees from certain cultures are being held back for no apparent reason. It is important to remember that you have a legal right to fair access to new job opportunities as well as paths to career development.
Are you being criticized too harshly?
No human being is immune from making mistakes, and we all make errors at work. In these scenarios, it is only fair to receive an appropriate reprimand. However, facing unfair criticism is an entirely different matter. If you are being chastised by your boss on a frequent basis for no apparent reason, there could be a serious problem. If you are subjected to this and your fellow co-workers are not, it could also be a sign of discriminatory behavior.
Employment discrimination can cause significant emotional harm, so it is important to protect yourself from it. Understanding your legal rights as a worker in California is a good place to start.