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Alleged wrongful termination of pregnant woman sparks lawsuit

Employees in San Diego and throughout California are shielded from the prospect of employers mistreating them, subjecting them to retaliation and any other violation of employment law. While treatment of workers is prominent in the news today and steps are taken to ensure they do not face such issues as wrongful termination based on their age, race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or because of a medical issue or condition and more, it still takes place. If an employer commits a legal violation, the employee has the right to seek compensation in a lawsuit.

A woman who alleges that she was fired because she was pregnant has filed a lawsuit against her former employer. While working as a waitress at an Italian restaurant, the woman found out that she was pregnant. When she informed the owner, she states that she faced workplace discrimination due to that pregnancy and was given fewer hours on the job. As a result, she earned less money. After she had the baby, she was not returned to her previous position as a waitress. She was later fired.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a federal lawsuit on her behalf. They initially attempted to settle the case through conciliation, but no agreement was consummated. In the lawsuit, she wants back pay and punitive and compensatory damages. In addition, she would like injunctive relief so the business will not engage in this type of discrimination again.

Workers who become pregnant should not fear for their jobs if they are still capable of doing them. In some instances, employers are obligated to put a pregnant worker in another position until she can work her normal job again. Dismissing a woman simply because she is pregnant is a violation of employment law. Those who are facing this or any other kind of mistreatment by their employers should understand their rights to seek compensation and contact an experienced lawyer immediately.

Source: patch.com, “Encinitas Restaurant Owner Accused Of Firing Woman Over Pregnancy,” Feb. 13, 2018


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