Negotiating an employment contract may be one of the most important things you do in your career. The terms of your contract can specify your salary, hours, benefits, severance pay, the scope of your employment, and even the activities in which you engage after you leave the job. If you fail to aggressively and fairly negotiate your position on these matters, then you could be taken advantage of by your employer. Additionally, when you think your employer is in breach of contract, then you need to be prepared to take legal action to protect your best interests.
The best way to avoid a contract dispute is to ensure that you understand the terms of your contract before signing it. Once you fully understand terms, like non-compete agreements, you can better position yourself to negotiate for what you feel is right. Yet, even if you do that, your employer may still try to take advantage of you. By pursuing a lawsuit against your employer, you may be able to recover compensation, reinstatement of your position, or have the terms interpreted in your favor. This can have a huge impact on your future.
At San Diego Employment Attorneys Group, we know how important contractual issues can be to Southern California residents. This is why we work hard to fully understand our clients’ employment situation and what they hope to get out of it. Then, we aggressively negotiate in hopes of receiving the best terms for our clients. In the event that an employment contract has been breached, we diligently prepare legal claims and gather all necessary documentary and testimonial evidence to make each and every case as strong as possible.
Our team of dedicated attorneys wants to make sure that all Californians are treated fairly under the law. When they aren’t, we take it personally. Therefore, those who want an advocate on their side who will stand up to employers who think they can bully their employees into acquiescence should consider reading more about our firm and our practice areas.