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Uber rocked by sexual harassment allegations

California’s tech industry has been in a sustained boom for several years now, and this has helped create many new jobs. However, the industry is still largely male-dominated, and many women tech workers complain of rampant sexual harassment.

This ongoing argument was highlighted recently when a former engineer for ride-sharing service Uber wrote a much-discussed blog post about her experience of sexual harassment at the company. After her blog post went viral, Uber — a fast-growing company which has recently fought to salvage its reputation as it faces other controversies — quickly said it would investigate her claims and attempt to correct what she described as a systemic problem with sexual harassment.

According to her blog post, the woman said that on her first day at the company, her manager used the company’s chat system to send her a series of messages propositioning her. She said she took a screen shot of the messages and brought them to the company’s Human Resources department to complain. She said the Human Resources told her they would do nothing because her manager was a “high performer” for the company. This began what the former employee said was a year-long struggle to get the company to take her sexual harassment claims seriously. She resigned from the company after about one year.

Her story illustrates an all-too-common scenario in technology and other industries. When they suffer sexual harassment in the workplace, employees are supposed to report it to their Human Resources department so that the employer can take care of the problem. Unfortunately, Human Resources offices sometimes fail to take the allegations seriously, and management often fails to follow through with corrective measures.

When that happens, the help of an attorney can be crucial. Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal, and no one should have to put up with it. If you have been subject to sexual harassment, contact an attorney to learn about your options.

Source: NPR.org, “Uber Will Investigate Sexual Harassment Claims By Engineer,” by Maggie Penman, Feb. 20, 2017


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