A college math lecturer has been fighting with UC Berkeley over his firing for some time, and he’s just decided to file a wrongful termination lawsuit. He started at the California school back in 2013. His complaint is technically aimed at the UC Board of Regents.
There are many parts to the lawsuit, but it apparently started when the teacher thought that the law was being broken by the school. He then went to talk to his superiors about it, acting as a whistleblower and was fired. He alleges that this was an illegal firing since whistleblowers are to be protected from exactly that type of retaliation.
Another layer to the case is defamation, which the teacher says happened within the community due to his firing. He says that he was also defamed in the eyes of other teachers at the school.
Finally, the teacher even claimed that UC Berkley had a plan to get rid of its top teachers by firing them, and that it was doing so systematically. He posted this claim online, and students then protested the firing on campus. This whole thing has been going on for about three months.
The man is asking to be given $2.5 million, and he also wants money for legal fees and costs.
The school did not make a statement to the public yet about the firing or the lawsuit. However, it did make a statement simply noting that some lecturers are hired to contract positions that end when the contracts expire—a date that is set from the beginning.
Those who believe they have been wrongfully terminated must know what legal rights they have.
Source: Daily Californian, “Campus math lecturer Alexander Coward sues UC regents, alleges wrongful termination,” Adrienne Shih, Jan. 24, 2016