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5 things that may indicate a wrongful termination

The waters can be a bit murky when it comes to wrongful termination, so it’s important for employees to know what to look for. This way, if things seem suspicious, they can look into their legal options in California. Below are five signs to keep an eye out for if you are fired:

1. A boss who fires you without telling you why you are being fired. Employers can have a variety of reasons, but it’s a little fishy if they refuse to give you one at all.

2. A boss who says your performance was lacking when you’ve never had anything but good reviews. This could indicate that you’re being fired for something that has nothing to do with performance—such as your religion, your race, or your age.

3. A firing that happens right after a complaint is filed. For example, you could complain about sexual harassment at the hands of your boss and find yourself holding a pink slip just a week later.

4. A company that does not carry out proper investigations. This is something that can happen after a complaint, and it’s similar to the reason listed above. If you file it and then your company just doesn’t look into it, choosing instead to let you go, the firing could be linked to that complaint.

5. A firing that does not go along with company policies. If these policies are in place and they are supposed to apply to all employees, but you are fired in a way that ignores or breaches the policy, it could indicate that things aren’t exactly being done in a fair and impartial fashion.

Source: Forbes, “6 Big Reasons Employees Sue, And How To Protect Yourself,” Brent Gleeson, accessed Dec. 29, 2015


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2878 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 160
San Diego, CA 92108

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Suite 300
Del Mar, CA 92014

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701 Palomar Airport Road
Suite 300
Carlsbad, CA 92009

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The firm provides a free initial consultation with a highly experienced employment law attorney. Please phone to set up an appointment.