Some would-be federal workers in California and elsewhere might not be duly aware that high numbers of federal job positions require the procurement of a security clearance as a prerequisite to an employment offer.
Of course, millions of current federal employees and employees of federal contractors already know that, having been vetted and deemed eligible for employment.
The security badge or other embodiment signifying clearance for work is obviously a precious thing, being a meal ticket in the most literal sense. Some clearances for federal work are exceptionally difficult to obtain, and employees who do get them are understandably protective of them and note well the jeopardy that can attach to having a clearance revoked.
What can a current federal employee who is potentially facing a security revocation or a would-be federal worker who has been denied a clearance do to secure a positive outcome in a security matter? Are there steps that can be formally taken to contest a revocation or first-instance denial?
Indeed, there are, and they set forth in the provisions outlined in proceedings conducted by the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals. As we note on the Security Clearance Matters page of our website at San Diego Employment Attorneys Group, the DOHA serves as the venue for contested security matters.
As noted by an online overview of the DOHA, relevant time limits, processes, document submissions and related requirements can be quite complex. The writer of that primer duly recommends that any affected employee “consult with an attorney who has experience with DOHA cases.”