Star of the film “Under Siege,” Steven Seagal is now under some serious legal scrutiny. A California civil suit alleging sexual harassment has been filed against him, putting his new reality show, “Lawman,” on hold.
The current sexual harassment allegations were brought forth by Kayden Nguyen. She claims that after she was hired to work for Seagal as his executive assistant, Seagal treated her as more of a sexual assistant, or “sex toy,” as she puts it. She alleges that Seagal repeatedly attempted to grope her, and after one particularly aggressive attempt she ran away and never returned.
The seriousness of Nguyen’s claims goes further. She not only accuses Seagal of hiring and using her as his sexual servant, but he also had two Russian women hired and living with him for the same purpose. In fact, the claims point to Seagal’s participation in human sex trafficking.
As it often happens in cases of sexual harassment, when one plaintiff comes forward, others follow suit. This case is no different, with multiple women already having come forward since Nguyen’s case became public.
One of those women is model-actress Jenny McCarthy, who alleged back in 1998 that Seagal harassed her during a movie audition for “Under Siege 2.” She claims that he told her to take off her dress, and when she refused and left, he threatened her not to tell anyone what happened. McCarthy never filed charges against Seagal but stands by her story today.
In all, Seagal faces charges of sexual harassment, illegal trafficking of females for sex, failure to prevent sexual harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination and false representation about employment. Seagal and his defense attorney deny all allegations. His lawyer dismisses the accusations as retaliatory smears after Nguyen was fired due to illegal drug use, allegations that Nguyen’s legal counsel refutes on both parts.
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